Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Oh Me Oh My

Do you ever feel like one day you have everything figured out. You know what every noise and gesture your child makes means. You have managed to do the laundry, clean the whole house, grocery shop, make dinner, run an errand for your husband, and still have a little relaxing time for your self while your toddler takes a nice long nap. Your know your dreams in life for you and your family and how you are going to achieve them. And you have all of the business aspects of your relationship such as, health insurance, financial security, and where you are living in 2 and 1/2 months, tidied up and in check.

And then the next day you are clueless. Your child is going through yet another phase. Your place is such a mess that you don't even know where to start. You feel like you had a better answer to the question "What do you want to be when you grow up" when you were 5 and the answer was ballerina. And all the changes that are coming in a couple of months make you so anxious because you hate change, especially when there are so many questions to be answered that you don't know where to start.

Today is that day for me. All of a sudden I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders. Fragments of thoughts of things I need to do are flying through my head, and when I write them down, I become overwhelmed by them.

And yet, in my overwhelmed state I am grounded by a few things. The knowledge that I am not alone. That this time will pass and worrying only makes it worse. That these changes are for the betterment of my family and their future. That God gave us this blessing, and he knows that we can handle the changes it brings. And that it doesn't matter where we live because my home is where my heart is. And that is with my two boys.

And lastly... tomorrow is another day.

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