Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Hello All! I am so excited to be sharing this blog with you. I've been wanting to put together a blog forever, but decided to push myself to do it after Phillip and I found out that we are expecting! Little baby Faucette will be arriving around March 8th, which makes me exactly 11 weeks today. I am trying very hard to not show, but people at work are asking and a past student's mother even came up and put her hand on my stomach yesterday giving me a look that said, "Do you have anything to say, or better yet hiding in your belly?" At which I responded "Just too much fast food." Needless to say, she didn't believe me. However, I do appreciate people's exaggerated opinion of my previous flat tummy. Above are pictures we have taken along the way. In the top picture I am 9 weeks pregnant! In my hand is a green grape, which represents baby being the size of a green olive. (I hate green olives, so I felt that the grape at the exact same size worked better.) The second picture I'm 7 weeks pregnant! Baby is the size of a blueberry. That is the tiny little dot in my hand. Sorry they're out of order. I'm still learning this blog stuff.

Phillip and I are so thrilled about our new addition. Please remember since we am still trying to hide my baby excitement, to not post anything on facebook.


  1. Hooray! Aunt Missy, Uncle Ned, and Cousin Brady are so excited about the new addition! ...and hopefully will have you real close by very soon....

  2. Can't wait to be a Grandma!
