Thursday, July 26, 2012

Hutson's 17 months!

17 months. Really? Can we already be there? It is so hard to believe. At the same time, Hutson is so independent and such a smart little cookie. (I'm not biased or anything). It truly blows my mind that he is capable of doing so much at such a young age.

Thankfully he still loves to snuggle. And I soak up every minute of our 1/2 episode Sesame Street snuggle routine after breakfast. Although, he doesn't just love on Dada and me anymore.

Don't worry, Hutson and Veda Jane both got a stern talking to. But unfortunately their romance will fad as Veda is moving to Mobile next week.

Hutson has also made two new great friends.

He loves playing with Rivers, since she is only a month older than him and such a cutie. And, Hutson looks up so much to Garrett. He is always on his best behavior when Garrett's around. He already likes to hang with the big boys. I'm in trouble.

This month Hutson has learned to...
- Kick his feet to swim in the pool 
- Rock in my old rocking chair from my nursery when I was little (I do need to paint it, as it is still rocking a beautiful fuschia).
- Scoot down the stairs on his bottom
- Follow commands. I was so impressed at my friend Kim's wedding shower when I asked him to put the books in the basket, and he was able to navigate his way through the gifts, find the basket, and plop the books in their.
- Says the word "Saaaa" for Sam, my parents dog. He also calls his stuffed puppies that look like Sam Saaa.
- Making the sound of every type of vehicle. Train, cars, ambulance, airplanes. I get really funny looks in the parking lot at the grocery store when he is going arrrrrrrarrrrrr for the car noises, and I join in with him. 
- Clap after he does something he's proud of and wants you to clap too.
- Signs more ( sooo helpful!!)
- Signs please (but sometimes confuses this with the more sign. That's okay I'll take it)
- Does the open and close song that we do to begin library. 
His new fascinations...
-Fish at the zoo.

Favorite foods
- Turkey
-soy yogurt
- Goldfish
-arrowroot cookies or "keys" as he calls them

Diapers: Size 4
Weight:  22 lbs 4 oz in PJ's and a diaper 
Height:  31?
Shoe size: 4's about to move to 5's. His feet grew this month!
 Clothing size: Still doesn't fit into 12 month pants or shorts, so he wears 6-9 months, but wears 12- 18 month shirts and some 12-18 month shortalls
Sleeps: From 8 pm to 5:30- 7 am (yes we are back to waking up in the 5's sometimes. 
teeth: He has 16! Those canines are a pain in the tush! 
Naps: 1! Except on those days he wakes up at 5:30. We must take a morning nap on those rare days (about once a week) or neither mommy or Hutson will survive.

Hutson also loved seeing Eila again this month. He is such a good sharer, and I can't wait till this sweet 6 month old gets older so they can play together. 

Thankfully my sweet 17 month old is still cautious.

But he is so big!


And so cute that despite the fact that I always dress him in blue, 3 people in the last day have asked me if he's a girl. I take it as a compliment. He sure is pretty!

And I sure do love him!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Oh My Cuteness!


It is such a joy to watch Hutson learn something new every minute. They say that around 75 weeks (17 months) they hit a huge mental leap. Well... let's say my little one has been soaring this week! You can see the wheels in his head turning, and it truly amazes me when he understands.  I felt that I had to record all these cute moments in the hopes that I remember them all!

Oh my cuteness!

-Blows on food when you tell him it is hot or if he sees something come out of the microwave
-Helps me put on my shoes. He is especially fond of my red heels and doesn't understand why I
           don't want to where them when walking the neighborhood.
-I asked him to go get my tennis shoes (totally on a whim). One minute later he is walking out of
           my closet with my sneakers. Seriously??
-I was singing a song about a bunny and he brought me his "Bubs Bunny" (His favorite stuffed
           rabbit Gaga gave him)
- When you sing Old McDonald, he says eeeiieeeiiiooo.
-We were reading one of his books today called My Day. The last page says hug, and before I
            flipped the page to see the last page Hutson gave himself a hug (another new trick). We haven't read
            this book in over a week, and I had forgotten what the last page was.
- He can sign more
- He claps his hands when he's proud of himself
- He can do the first motion of The Itsy Bitsy Spider
- He climbs up his slide and goes through the wholes in his play yard.

And of course with all this knew knowledge comes things mommy doesn't think is so cute.

-Waking up at 4:45-5:00 am two mornings in a row.
-He can flush the toilet
-He knows how to lock the doors, and he has locked himself in the bathroom
-Talks loudly when he is in a room that echos
- He hates to stay still long enough to change his diaper
- He can turn on and off the monitor
- He loves to touch the buttons on the tv and blue ray and throws his head back and has a hissy fit when you
               tell him no.
- He cries when I tell him no sternly.

- I bought him a chair for $2 at Publix to sit on. He prefers to stand on it.

This week has been a so much fun and so exhausting at the same time!
He is getting all 4 canines at once! Thankful they are coming in together, but pray they come in fast!!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Residence- Alabama

There were two things that I said I would never ever do: Marry a Dr. and live in Birmingham. Well, I can officially say that I have not followed through on either account. And to be honest, both are pretty great!

We moved to the Vestavia Hills area in Birmingham on May 31st so that Phillip could attend UAB as a resident in Endodonics (A.K.A the root canal dentist, or the dentist you actually never want to have to see). This was our 4th move in 5 years. (Phew, that just makes me exhausted thinking about it). My wonderful mother helped us move, decorate, and organize our things in no time. Phillip continued to work through June in Nashville to bring in a little mula, and every weekend consisted of traveling. So, we have really officially been in Birmingham for 2 weeks. Here are some pictures of our place. I absolutely love it!!

Here is a picture of our adorable town home! I love walking the neighborhood and seeing this English tutor style house. It makes me feel like I'm walking around Switzerland again. 

Come on in through our front/side door!

I love the open layout of this space! And the kitchen is definitely my favorite of all 4 places Phillip and I have lived!

Our living and dining room

That brown table converts into a sewing station. A great find at Walmart for only $100! I love having my own little nook that looks so cute when tucked away. 

The master bedroom. All of our furniture fits!

Master bath

An organized garage that fits a car! Woohoo!!!

Hutson/ guest bath!

The guestroom/office. This is completely the compromise room. A little spa/a little UGA/ and a place to show Phillip's accomplishments. Where is the sailfish, spoons, and dancing pictures you ask? That was another compromise. They have been tucked away for the next 2 years.

Not quite done organizing this room, but it's functional for now.

Hutson's room! 


Our side yard

I love sitting outside while Hutson plays now. He absolutely loves the playground compliments of Leslianna and Gray. And, there is a pool just steps away! Hutson is loving learning how to swim. 

Hope you enjoyed your tour! Come visit us y'all here! 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Go America!

Happy 4th of July Everyone!

Thank you to all of those wonderful people who dedicate their lives so that we may live in the land of the free! God Bless America!