Saturday, December 29, 2012

Flashback to Halloween- Hutson 20 months

Hey Friends! The end of the year has caught be by surprise, and I realized I have slacked on my Hutson posts. So, before the new year ends, I'm going to catch you up on our lives these past months!

At 20 months Hutson has started talking and saying so many more words! He loves Elmo, and he also really started enjoying playing with trains. Sometime we will often go to Toys-R-Us just to play with their train sets. Here are some pictures of life in October!

Taking a walk at Aldridge Gardens. He just wanted to hold my hand and walk the whole time. I loved it!

Pointing to the "Geese"

And this is where is obsession with camera's begins. He kept going "Cheese" 

Such a cutie pie!

Carving Pumpkins! I could hardly believe how much he was focused and actually got into it. He sat on the floor for over an hour helping Phillip and I. However, he did not want to touch the gooey pumpkin guts. (I don't blame him.)


For Halloween Hutson was Tickle me Elmo. He had a voice box on one side that said, "Hahaha that tickles," when you press it. He loved that!

Trick-or-treating at the library. Best idea!

Hutson and Hansel the Hot dog!

Our neighbors who's son is 5 month's older than Hutson and was also Elmo. He loved Trick-or-Treating. He  really understood the concept as he loved ringing the doorbell, signing please, and picking out a candy and putting it in his Elmo basket. 

Probably my favorite fall activity we did was go to Baker's Farm. We went on a Hayride and picked our own pumpkins off the vine. That was awesome!

The chosen ones

Hutson wouldn't touch the ground, or even let his shoes touch the ground. As I said, he doesn't like to get dirty.

Our pumpkins!

This was our ride on our covered wagon pulled by Mules. Hutson loved it!

But, his favorite was the hay maze,

 riding John Deer,

and chasing Mommy through the corn maze. After running around for 30 minutes, we weren't coming close to the end of the maze, so we went out the entrance. 

Pointing to the pumpkin and saying "pumkee".

It was a great Halloween!

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