Monday, January 2, 2012

A New Year, a New Start

2011 was an absolute wonderful year. We welcomed our little boy Hutson on February 26th. Phillip graduated on May 26th from dental school. We moved from Memphis to Nashville on May 31st/ June 1st. Phillip started working as a dentist in July. I retired from teaching on August 31st, and happily settled into my new job as a stay at home mom. 2011 brought so many blessings, that I truly felt melancholy New Years Eve to say goodbye to one of the best years so far. I couldn't pinpoint why I had these feelings, until Phillip and I were reminiscing New Years Day morning while looking at Hutson's photo books. I realized that my little boy was truly growing up. I then panicked and felt, as most mothers do, that I didn't document enough. Phillip suggested that I blog again. Now we all know how that turned out last time, seeing as the last post on here was before we found out we were expecting a boy. However, when I woke up this morning, I felt rejuvenated by the new year. A new year, new beginnings, new adventures, a new start. And what better way to document our life this day and age then blogging.

Since the new year brings a sense of starting over, here are a list of things I am going to try and do better in 2012.

1. Flossing- Yes, my husband is a dentist and no he doesn't floss on a daily basis either, but in 2012, I think it's important.
2. Working out- I found this to be much easier when Hutson was younger, but I am recommitting to myself to take better care of this bod.
3. Eating better- I am waiting with anticipation for the magazine my cousins Nicky and Dale subscribed for us on heathly eating and tasty meals. Unfortunately, I have fallen into a convenience slump recently which involves lots of greasy foods. Not to mention this new love for sweets that also came with a new baby and being restricted from everything tasty when I was pregnant.
4. Slowing down- I am a busy body in the sense that I have forgotten how to truly enjoy moments, as I am thinking about the 10 things that need to get accomplished. So with Gods help this year, I'm going to sit back and enjoy the scenery too.

I'll keep you posted on my progress. Now off to music class. Happy New Year!


  1. Good luck with your new year!! We miss you at SG but I know you are beyond happy living in Nashville and being a stay at home mom.

  2. Good luck with all of your resolutions! Another one of my friends had "flossing" as their resolution. :) See you tomorrow!
