Month 13 has been a biggy.
He has learned how to:
shake his head no. Although he doesn't always use it correctly.
drink a sippy cup by himself (sometimes).
say ha ha when it is appropriate to laugh but he doesn't think it's funny.
crawl up stairs. I'm not so proud of this accomplishment.
walk fast. (watch out)
make anything a drum.
His new fascinations...
Crawling under everything
Putting shoes on and going for a ride in the car
The rocking horse in his room
Easter eggs (plastic ones of course)
The box from the water table we bought him
BOOKS! Yay!! He loves to bring Dada and I a book and sit on our lap and read.
Favorite foods
soy yogurt
mandarin oranges
spagetti and meatballs
Still just Mama, Dada, and Dog (although we aren't hearing dog regularly anymore)
The ga sound has started to be said more often though.
Biggest accomplishment!
We are 2 weeks bottle free and LOVING IT! Welcome back counter space.
Diapers: Size 3
Weight: Still 20 lbs
Height: Guessing 30 inches
Shoe size: Moving into 3's
Clothing size: Still doesn't fit into 12 month pants or shorts, little peanut, but wears 12 month shirts and some 12-18 month shortalls
Sleeps: From 7:30-8 pm to 6:00- 6:30 am, rarely 5:45
Naps: Still 2 napping at about 9 and 1
Here are some pictures of my sweet boy!
This is his, "Seriously Mom?" face. It's starting already.
Pretending to be a dinosaur
Yummy beans!
Still loves his ball pit!
Hutson the clown. My little goofball!
Swinging with Aunt Mary!
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