Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hutson is 14 months!

My sweet little one is 14 months today! I just can't believe everything that he can understand and do at this age. I am truly enjoying every moment of this stage.
He has learned to...
-give hugs from behind
- blow kisses.
-Communicate! Ok, not by words really, but sounds, and he has created his own sign language, (despite me trying to teach him sign language since he was 6 months).
-listen. Most of the time, when I tell him no he abides. And, I am constantly amazed by how many words he understands.

His new fascinations...
-making everything a tunnel. Chairs, tables, he even attempts to go under the crack in doors. If it has an opening, he tries to crawl under it.
-jumping onto pillows. I don't blame him, in fact I join in every once and a while.
-getting on the couch with Dada and walking back and forth on the couch. anything with wheels. I am truly amazed at how this is just ingrained in boys.
- playing outside. Yes, he will ask to go outside.
- riding in the car. He will bring me his shoes, and this means let's go for a ride.
- bridges
- making anything a drum.
- hiding behind objects and playing peek-a-boo
- Brady! He loves his cousin.

Here he is giving Brady a hug
Favorite foods (still)
soy yogurt
mandarin oranges
spagetti and meatballs
 New favorites-
 The applesauce squeeze containers from Chick-fil-a
Chick-fil-a nuggets hot dogs

 Mama, Dada, and Dat (that, says and points),Dog (although we aren't hearing dog regularly anymore)

 The ga and na sounds are said frequently. Biggest accomplishment!

Diapers: Size 3
Weight: Guessing 21 ish lbs
Height: Guessing 30 1/2 inches
Shoe size: 3's needing to buy 4's (his feet really grew this month)
 Clothing size: Still doesn't fit into 12 month pants or shorts, little peanut, but wears 12 month shirts and some 12-18 month shortalls
Sleeps: From 7:30-8 pm to 6:00- 6:30 am, rarely 5:45 Naps: Still 2 napping at about 9 and 1

 Some pictures from the park

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